Dr. Francois Grondin

Université de Sherbrooke

Title: Sound Source Localization in Robot Audition

Abstract: This presentation introduces some key concepts in robot audition, and more specifically addresses the challenge of sound source localization (SSL). SSL provides machines with audio spatial awareness, which leads to more natural human-robot interactions, and robust multimodal recognition capabilities. This talk presents state of the art methods that can be easily deployed on embedded hardware for robot of arbitrary geometries.

Bio’s Speaker: Born and raised in Montréal (Québec), François Grondin received his bachelor’s degree (’09) in Electrical Engineering from McGill University, and his Master’s degree (’11) and Ph.D. degree (’17) in Electrical Engineering from the Université de Sherbrooke. He worked as a Postdoctoral Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in CSAIL for two years, and is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering at Université de Sherbrooke since 2020.

Dr. Victor Adrian Santibanez Davila

Instituto Tecnológico de la Laguna

Title: Sectorial Fuzzy Control with Adaptive Neural Precompensation for Tracking Control of Robotic Manipulators

Abstract: This talk will present a novel control architecture that uses an adaptive neural network (NN) for precompensation and a sectoral fuzzy controller in the feedback loop applied to the control of tracking of motion trajectories of manipulator robots. A historical overview of the evolution of the sectoral fuzzy controller in the application of manipulator robots will be presented, emphasizing the original passive properties of the fuzzy control block, which allowed to analytically formalize its application in manipulators, both in regulation and tracking. It will continue with the introduction of new properties of the sectoral fuzzy block, useful to generate strict Lyapunov functions that allow us to guarantee the fulfillment of the tracking control objective of sectoral fuzzy controllers with precompensation or with adaptive neural precompensation.

Bio’s Speaker:Dr. Víctor Adrián San báñez Dávila holds a PhD in Electronics and Telecommunications (1997) from the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Educatio of Ensenada CICESE, a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (1981) and an Industrial Engineer in Electronics (1976) from the Technological Institute of La Laguna. He worked in the industry at Altos Hornos de México (1977-1979) and Metalúrgica Mexicana Peñoles (1979-1980). He completed a research stay by invitation within the Program of Stays for Scientists and Technologists in Spain in the area of robotics at the Institute of Industrial Automation in Madrid, Spain (1989-1990). He is currently a Research Professor at the Technological Institute of La Laguna of TecNM (from 1982 to date). He has been recognized by the National System of Researchers as a National Researcher Level III from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2034. He has also been a visiting professor at the University of Catalonia in Spain. He has been a member of the SNI Review Committees (Area VII and Transversal Technology). President of the Review Committee of the Program of Researchers for Mexico CONAHCYT 2023. His areas of interest are: robot control, nonlinear control, adaptive control, fuzzy control and control of mechatronic systems.

Dr. Hiram Ponce

Universidad Panamericana

Pending Title

Abstract: Pending

Bio’s Speaker: El Profesor Hiram Ponce recibió los grados de Maestría en Ciencias de la Ingeniería y Doctorado en Ciencias Computacionales por el Tecnológico de Monterrey en 2010 y 2013, respectivamente. Desde 2014 labora en la Universidad Panamericana Campus México, donde ha sido Profesor Investigador Titular D en la Facultad de Ingeniería, así como Coordinador del Doctorado en Inteligencia Artificial. Actualmente es Secretario de Investigación. Además es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, nivel 1 (por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología). En 2014 fue reconocido con el “Premio Nacional a Mejor Tesis Doctoral sobre Inteligencia Artificial” por la Sociedad Mexicana de Inteligencia Artificial. En 2017 fue ganador del “Premio Google a la Investigación”. Cuenta con más de 120 publicaciones en revistas y congresos de prestigio, 4 libros y 9 capítulos de libro. Sus intereses de investigación son inteligencia artificial, robótica, mecatrónica y tecnologías para la vida asistida.