Update March 19, applies to institutions registered after this date. Regarding the teams and participants who have sent the team registration via the system prior to March 19 that are affected by these updates, they will have until Thursday, March 23 to upload the requested corrections and payment, the early registration fee will be respected.
Steps for the registration process for the TMR 2023
In order to register the TMR 2023 it will be necessary to register the institution. The registration of the institution has no additional cost to the registration fee. This is an additional step that is required in order to have more precise control in the categories that have a limit of teams per institution, as well as to have clear statistics on the number of participants from each institution in all categories.
The registration of the Institution and the teams must be carried out by a single person, preferably a teacher or administrative staff who will be the means of contact for this registration and who will be able to register teams in future events.
Institution registration
Institution registration will be slightly different for officially accredited institutions (middle schools, high schools, universities, research centers) than for robotics schools.
For institutions with official accreditation, the “Institution Validation Document” is an official document that certifies the full name of the institution, as well as the campus that is registering (where applicable), these can be:
- Official document issued by an educational authority as long as the name of the institution and the campus are available.
- Official internal document as long as the name of the institution and the campus are available.
- Teacher’s credential as long as you have the name of the institution and the campus.
In the case of robotics schools, according to the type of representation they will have, they must attach the following:
- At the robotics school-campus (branch) level, for which a letter must be attached to the school’s letterhead specifying the name of the school, campus, address, contact and main telephone number signed by the campus management.
- At the robotics school-educational institution level, for which a letter must be attached to the school’s letterhead specifying the name of the school, campus, address, contact, website, social media and main telephone number signed by the campus address, as well as mentioning the institution to which it represents and attach any of the “Institution Validation Documents” mentioned in the case of institutions with official accreditation.
- It is important to mention that it would be desirable for a teacher from the institution or mentor to register all the teams that participate in the competition.
If necessary, more information will be requested from the institution in order to be able to catalog it in the correct registry classification. If you have any questions about registering the institution, please write to us through the contact page https://femexrobotica.org/tmr2023/en/contact/
Complete registration procedure
The complete registration process that all teams wishing to compete must go through is described below:
- Request the registration of your institution, a task that is only required for the first team of the same. Fill in all the information requested for pre-registration in the different tabs. It is suggested to carry out this step in advance since it is necessary to go through an internal validation process that can take up to 48 hours. Institution registration will be accepted up to 48 hours before finalizing the registration, after which the registration of institutions will not be accepted.
- Enter the data for teams and team members (competitors, team leaders and mentors/advisors). Fill in the data with the requested information.
- When you have the data of all the teams and members complete, you must send your registrationrequest, from that moment changes in the number of members are not allowed. The validation process of participants can last up to 48 hours, be aware of the observations that may arise from the registration of teams or students. Once all participants are validated, you will be allowed to make the corresponding payment.
- The system will calculate the amount to be paid. Make your payment through PayPal or by transfer and upload your proof of payment in the registration system. The registration is considered complete when the corresponding payment is received. Payment will be validated within a period not exceeding 48 hours.
- If you require an invoice, register your billing information in the system after the payment has been validated. You will need to include the CIF.
- All leagues have a limited number of teams to participate, these spaces will be filled according to the order in which the teams complete the registration including payment. In the event that a team makes the payment after the number of teams in the category is complete, it will be notified within a period of no more than 72 hours and the payment of the corresponding team will be refunded.
- We ask that you complete and submit registration of all your team and team member information prior to making your payment or deposit. Depositing any amount without having the registration and deposit key does not guarantee a quota level or a place in the tournament.
- The registration periods could be closed in case the capacity of the event or categories is exceeded.
- Teachers who accompany the team and who wish to have a diploma that recognizes their participation in the event, but who do not require that they be assigned a place at the team work table, may register as mentors. Because they don’t take up space on the workbench, mentors don’t count toward the participant limit per team.
- For team members: the age limits and number of members are validated according to the characteristics of each sub-league. For example, the Major categories do not ask for age limits, but the Junior ones request participants according to the conditions indicated by RoboCupJunior (see the Official RCJ Site). Check especially the Conditions of participation for Junior categories in the TMR 2023. The age of the mentors in the RoboCupJunior categories must be greater than or equal to 20 years old on July 1st.
- For participants and mentors, it is necessary to attach a document proving their date of birth. Examples of valid documents are: the CURP certificate in PDF format that can be downloaded from the CURP Consultation site, IFE/INE or passport; Any official document with name and date of birth of the participant is valid.
- For JUNIOR and Beach Cleaning Robots team participants, it is necessary to attach the current school ID or proof with photograph issued by the institution. Credentials are expected to include at least the name of the institution and campus, student’s name, photograph, validity, grade, and group. 50% of the participants in the team must belong to the Educational Institution represented. In the case of robotics schools, the current credential or proof with a photograph issued by the institution where the student carries out his academic studies (elementary, secondary, high school, university) must be attached. Robotics school credentials are not valid for this field.
- As in previous years, in the categories that have equipment limitations per school, for robotics institutions or schools that have 50% or more students from another educational institution that has registered or is going to register equipment in the In the same category, the corresponding equipment limitation will be applied, giving priority to the educational institution.
- After you have sent the pre-registration for the first time, the data of the participants will be validated. Initially you will be able to enter and verify that these are “to be validated”, but a few days later you will see the result of the review. Here you will see if this review determined that the participant’s photo or date of birth is in error. In order to be allowed to register and compete, the validation of each member must be “correct”. If necessary, additional information can be requested to complement the information provided.
- After April 13, it will not be possible to edit the data of any team or participant, as well as the voucher registration deadline. If you have any issue to resolve regarding the registration, you can only write to the email indicated at the beginning of this screen indicating your problem.
- In the case of presenting false or misleading information; we reserve the right to terminate the person, team or teams related to the infringing institution.
early cost:
Team up to 4 members: 2000 MXN
Extra Member: 500 MXN
Early Registration Start Date: February 9, 2023
Early registration closing date: March 19, 2023
late cost:
Team up to 4 members: 2500 MXN
Extra Member: 600 MXN
Late Registration Start Date: March 20, 2023
Late Registration Closing Date: April 13, 2023
For the registration fee, both contestants and mentors are considered team members.