Torneo Mexicano de Robótica 2023

La UTSV en el 2023 es la responsable de recibir a los participantes del TMR 2023 y AMR 2023 en la ciudad de Xalapa, Ver. Contaremos con las categorías AutomodelCar, Drones Autónomos, LARC Standard Educational Kit, Rapidly Manufactured Robot Challenge, RoboCupJunior OnStage, RoboCupJunior Soccer Lightweight, RoboCupJunior Soccer Open, RoboCupJunior Rescue Line, RoboCupJunior Rescue Maze, RoboCupJunior Rescue Simulation, RoboCup Major Humanoid, RoboCup Rescue Major, RoboCup@Home, RoboCup@Home Beginners, y Robots Limpiadores de Playa.
Como es bien sabido, algunas de estas categorías corresponden a eliminatorias nacionales obligatorias para asistir al Concurso Latinoamericano de Robótica y al Mundial RoboCup.

Studying at UTSV you can achieve 2 professional titles in less than 4 years. Due to the intensive training in the first 2 years, a degree and professional certificate is obtained as a Higher University Technician (TSU) and continuing the studies for 1 year 8 more months, a second title is obtained as an Engineer. The Technological University of Southeast Veracruz (UTSV) is part of the National System of Technological Universities, made up of more than 104 campuses in the Mexican Republic. Our model offers innovative and practical study plans to train the professionals that are most needed in the productive and social sectors of the region.


Train professionals who respond in a timely manner to the needs of the productive and social sector, through relevant educational programs taught by teachers with a desirable profile, with quality services and the efficient administration of resources, based on national and international quality standards.


To be a sustainable Institution, recognized nationally and internationally for the quality of its educational programs and its strong link with the productive sector, as well as the high degree of social responsibility.




Professional ethics



Quality Politics

At the Technological University of the Southeast of Veracruz we assume the commitment to train University Technicians and Engineers through our educational model, with the purpose of satisfying the needs and expectations of our clients, through a process-based approach, in a context of labor equality and continuous improvement that contributes to building solid relationships with stakeholders; as well as, to the preservation of the environment in the field of competition, in adherence to the applicable legislation.

Quality Objectives

To be recognized for academic competitiveness before society, through the training of our students, according to the educational model to consolidate excellence.

Influence the social sphere through programs that contribute to the development of society, to strengthen the presence of the university.

Maintain an efficient and effective administration of the university’s resources for the continuous improvement of the services provided to our clients.

Scope of the UTSV Management System and Field of application

The Scope of the Quality Management System (QMS) is based on the nature offered by the UTSV and its Strategic and Support Processes; and are applicable to Technological Higher Education Services, Continuing Education and Technological Services, based on the context of the organization and in compliance with the interested parties such as the Government, Society, UTSV and Suppliers.