Torneo Mexicano de Robótica 2023

The beaches are up to the fate of various natural biological phenomena, such as tides and hurricanes, modifying and conditioning various environments. This natural way of allowing life is increasingly marked by human action, such as the generation and mismanagement of garbage, generation of recyclable waste that is not treated, wastewater discharge, oil spills, modification of biological cycles and constructions, among others.

Faced with this situation and as a way to raise awareness and contribute to addressing this problem, the TMR® 2023 summons once again the classic challenge of Beach Cleaner Robots, consisting of detecting, collecting, transporting and depositing scattered “waste” in a container. on a tropical island of 6 x 12 m. The robot must be careful not to advance beyond its “coasts” and fall into the “sea”. On the “island” there is a “human” who, of course, the robot should not hurt.

Since the First Mexican Robotics® Tournament in 2008, this 100% Mexican category has been held uninterruptedly seeking to promote ecological awareness in society, inviting the robotics community to propose concrete solutions to the serious problem of garbage accumulation on the beaches of Mexico. and from all over the world.

Throughout its 15 years of life, the Beach Cleaner Robots Tournament has witnessed the advances in the design and performance of the proposals, being convinced that it has had a positive impact on the participants and on the institutions from which they come. , resulting in an increase in the number of teams wishing to participate in recent years.




Consult all the considerations to participate in the following document:

All those teams that meet the participation and registration requirements may participate in the TMR 2023, Beach Cleaner Robots Category.

A team is made up of a maximum of 6 participants with work space and each institution can register a maximum of 2 teams. Within these participants, a captain must be appointed who will be the representative of the team in the different meetings and other events requested by the jury. The professors who accompany the team and who wish to have a diploma that recognizes their participation in the event, but who do not require that they be assigned a place at the team’s work table, may register as mentors, for which they will not have access to the work area.

A report summarizing the design, construction and programming of the participating robot is required to participate in the form of a poster both digitally and printed in double letter size during the competition.

All participating teams will receive proof of participation in the TMR 2023 Beach Cleaner Robot Category. The teams classified in the first three places will also receive a winner’s certificate.

FMR Manager

Dra. Marcela Quiroz Castellanos


Rubén de la Moraemail
