Torneo Mexicano de Robótica 2023


RoboCupJunior Rescue is an educational initiative focused on elementary, middle and high school students, as well as university students, to work with a robot that must overcome various obstacles autonomously to carry out rescue activities. The setting is based on an area that is too dangerous for humans to rescue victims of a natural disaster; so the most difficult task has been given to a robot. This must be able to carry out the rescue mission in fully autonomous mode without human intervention. The robot must be strong and smart enough to navigate through dangerous terrain with hills, rough terrain, and debris without getting stuck.

There are three subcategories:

  • Rescue Line (Line Rescue): An autonomous robot must follow a black line while overcoming different problems in a modular arena made up of squares with different patterns. The floor is white and the paintings are on different levels connected by ramps. When the robot finally finds the victims, it has to carefully transport them to the evacuation point so that humans can treat them.
  • Rescue Maze (Rescue in Labyrinth): The robot needs to search for victims through a maze, so it must not find the fastest way to go through the maze, but must explore it as much as possible while avoiding areas with the black floor. When the robot finally finds the victims, it has to provide them with a help kit and a locator, so that the humans can locate them and bring them to a safe place.
  • Rescue Simulation: In navigation situations in difficult or dangerous environments, robots can be used for search and rescue operations to minimize putting humans at risk. In this challenge, a virtual autonomous robot must be developed to search and identify the victims in a simulated dangerous scenario. The robot must navigate through challenging terrain without getting stuck, locating disaster victims and pinpointing their location to the human rescue team. The open source wiki for its development is available at

Rescue League has four sub-leagues in Junior and one sub-league to progress to Major:

Rescue Line primary: The Rescue Line subleague is open to students aged 11-15 (as of July 1). An autonomous robot must follow a black line while overcoming different problems in a modular arena made up of tiles with different patterns.

Rescue Line: The Rescue Line subleague is open to students aged 14-19 (as of July 1). An autonomous robot must follow a black line while overcoming different problems in a modular arena made up of tiles with different patterns.

Rescue Maze: The Rescue Maze subleague is open to students ages 14-19 (age as of July 1). Team members can compete in Rescue Line twice (2 international events). After competing in the Rescue Line twice, they must move on to the Rescue Maze.

RCJ Rescue Simulation (Webot-Erebus): RoboCupJunior Rescue Simulation provides new and exciting learning opportunities with a newly developed platform (Webots-Erebus).

RoboCupRescue – Rapidly Manufactured Robot Challenge: The Rapidly Manufactured Robot Challenge (RMRC) is part of the RoboCupRescue Robot competition.


RCJ Rescue teams must be made up of at least 2 members and up to a maximum of 4.

Age is considered as of July 1 of each year for the RoboCup World Cup, and therefore also for the Mexican Robotics Tournament.

Each contestant can only be registered in 1 unique team, sub-league and league in all RoboCupJunior.


The rules for the RoboCupJunior Rescue competition are published on the international RoboCupJunior site.

These rules can be viewed at

Team limits per institution

Each institution can register the following number of teams for each Junior Category:

1.-Maximum 1 team per sub-league in Rescue Line and Rescue Maze

2.-Maximum 2 teams per sub-league in all Soccer and OnStage sub-leagues

3.-The number of teams will not be limited in Rescue Simulation (formerly CoSpace)

4.-The institution that has obtained first place in each subcategory of the last tournament (TMR2022) and has submitted its participation report in RoboCup 2022 obtains the right to register one more team in that same subcategory. You must register the additional team and its members, and before concluding the pre-registration send an email to indicating the name of the team that you want this right to apply to.

FMR Manager
RCJ Rescue General

Diego Garza Rodriguez


Ernest Cervantes


RCJ Rescue Line

javier bautista


RCJ Rescue Maze

edward alvarado


RCJ Rescue Simulation

Gerardo Camarillo
