Torneo Mexicano de Robótica 2023


The RoboCupJunior OnStage competition, previously called RoboCupJunior Dance, is an initiative focused on students aged 14 and up to 19, to work with robots, which will autonomously develop a creative, harmonious, innovative presentation with the use of technology, that is attractive. for the audience on a stage in a time no longer than two minutes.

This includes a number of possible performances, such as dance, storytelling, theater or art installations. The performance may include music, but it is optional. Teams are encouraged to be creative, innovative and fun, both in the design of the robots and in the overall performance.


Primary RoboCupJunior OnStage

All team members must be between the ages of 11 and 15 (as of July 1).

All teams are evaluated in the following areas: a technical description poster (15%), a technical demo video (15%), a technical interview (30%), and a stage performance (40%).

It should be noted that at this time the committee is in the process of reviewing the rules, so we recommend you check back periodically to see if there are any updates.

RoboCup Junior on stage

All team members must be between the ages of 14 and 19 (as of July 1).

All teams are evaluated in the following areas: a technical description poster (15%), a technical demo video (15%), a technical interview (30%), and a stage performance (40%).

It should be noted that at this time the committee is in the process of reviewing the rules, so we recommend you check back periodically to see if there are any updates.


RCJ OnStage teams must be made up of at least 2 members and up to a maximum of 5.

Each contestant can only be registered in 1 unique team, sub-league and league in all RoboCupJunior.

Team limits per institution

Each institution can register the following number of teams for each Junior sub-league:

Maximum 1 team per sub-league in Rescue Line and Rescue Maze

Maximum 2 teams per sub-league in all Soccer and OnStage sub-leagues

The number of teams will not be limited in Rescue Simulation (formerly CoSpace)

The institution that has obtained first place in each sub-league of the last tournament (TMR2022) and has submitted its participation report in RoboCup has the right to register one more team in that same sub-league. You must register the additional team and its members, and before concluding the pre-registration send an email to Indicating the name of the team that you want this right to apply to you, indicating the name of the team you want this right applies to you.

FMR Manager

Luis Gonzalo Morales Garcia
