Torneo Mexicano de Robótica 2023

Hours to stay inside the headquarters from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Jueves 27 de abrilInauguration at the Velodrome
9:00 a 10:00 amTeam registration junior (Velodrome) and team registration Major(complex omega)
10:00 a 11:00Calibration junior (Velodrome) and calibration Major(complex omega)
11:00 a 12:00Opening (Velodrome)
12:00 a 19:00Tests and competitions in the Omega(Major) and Velodrome(Junior) complex
Viernes 28 de abrilcompetitions in the Omega and Velodrome complex
8:00 a 19:00competitions
Sábado 29 de abrilClosing at the Velodrome
8:00 a 13:00Semifinals and finals at the Omega and Velodrome complex
13:00 a 14:00Presentación Orquesta Municipal de Xalapa Presentation (Velodrome)
14:00 a 15:00UPY Conference Technologies for wireless energy transmission in Robots (Velodrome)
15:00 a 16:00Closure and rewards(Velodrome)