Torneo Mexicano de Robótica 2023

General description

The Mexican Robotics® Tournament is associated with various international competitions, among which is the Latin American Robotics Competition (LARC) of the IEEE. Annually, the TMR supports the winning team of the LARC Open Challenge to represent Mexico in the Latin American Robotics Competition.

Within the LARC, every two years a new challenge based on real problems is proposed.


This time the competition is focused on automating an environment with a large number of packages to organize. The essence of competition is extracted from environments such as warehouses, product distribution centers, store stocks, etc.

Warehouse automation is already a reality in large companies like Amazon and Alibaba, but it should soon be a reality in mid-market companies. We invite you to think of a possible solution to this challenge. Participants must build a fast and agile robot to organize as many packages as possible in a limited time.


To participate in the LARC Open Challenge, teams of a maximum of 6 people can register. Team members must be students of any level or have graduated from their study program no more than two years ago.

The teachers who accompany the team and who wish to have a diploma that recognizes their participation in the event may register as mentors. The registration cost of the mentors is the same as that of the contestants.

FMR Manager

Javier Enrique Delgado Moreno


Ruben Machucho Cadena
